
Para//el creator Rebekah has been involved with arts & crafts since early childhood.

Rebekah has a background in Robotics with an A.A.S. in Electrical & Electronics Technology.



Parallel Craft is a collection of Beaded Jewelry, Art, and Mixed Media Décor. Look for Parallel in Lapeer Michigan and the surrounding area. Founder Rebekah has been making things for over 15 years and believes “Everyone is creative”.

The Parallel style ranges from sleek sophisticated to rustic natural with simple materials and eccentric components. Material of beads range from acrylic, glass, metal, plastic, stone, wood, or other materials. The wire used is typically plastic coated stainless steel. Clasps and findings are various metals. (Sensitive skin findings are available upon request with an adjustment to material cost.)

Parallel creator Rebekah has been involved in arts & crafts since early childhood. She started out by helping her mom run a craft venture selling painted miniature wood figures at craft fairs. Bekah then took beginner Cross-Stitch lessons at age 12 and lessons in Ceramics and Dry Brush painting technique at age 14. As a young adult, hobby interests gravitated toward Beaded Jewelry and Papercraft Décor. Other interests include acrylic/oil painting, drawing, polymer clay, watercolors, painted wood, wood scale models, and other crafty things.

Rebekah has a background in Robotics with an A.A.S. in Electrical & Electronics Technology including course credits in business and economic fundamentals. Her highest personal goal from this venture is for continuous growth in artistic abilities. Parallel Craft encourages everyone to “Make More….!”